Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Petitions to PROTEST Donald Trump's Dangerous and Disastrous Cabinet Picks!


►  URGENT ACTION REQUIRED! Nancy Pelosi wants to hear from you.  ◄

On December 19th, the members of the Electoral College will cast their official votes
for the President of the United States of America. Please voice your concerns here:



     Demand the Senate BLOCK Jeff Sessions’ Attorney General appointment →
Senator Jeff Sessions
Donald Trump just announced the appointment of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his Attorney General. This is a man deemed by a Republican-controlled Senate as too racist to fill a federal judgeship. Sessions has a long standing (and alarming!) history of using his position of power to suppress minority voters. He even had the nerve to call the Voting Rights Act just a “piece of intrusive legislation.” The amount of damage Sessions could do to voting rights as Attorney General is unthinkable.

It’s no secret as to how Sessions feels about protecting our right to vote. As a U.S. attorney in Alabama, Sessions CHARGED a civil rights icon with voter fraud simply because he was registering minority voters. If we allow this ultra-conservative to become the leader of our top law enforcement office, the Justice Department will be anything but just.

If Sessions is confirmed to be the U.S. Attorney General, Donald Trump will have a free pass to implement his extreme agenda of throwing out any protection of our right to vote, end any chance of criminal justice reform, and make the deportation of nearly 3 million immigrants all but certain.

We need to speak up TODAY, if we’re going to stop Sessions from becoming the U.S. Attorney General. If you’re with us, please sign our EMERGENCY PETITION:

Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump

Donald Trump has selected Jeff Sessions to become the next Attorney General of the United States. Yes, the same Jeff Sessions who called the ACLU and NAACP “un-American.” The same Jeff Sessions who became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in the past 48 years to fail to be recommended by a vote in the Senate. Senator Corey Booker’s reaction to Jeff Sessions’ nomination was to say, “I am concerned that he possesses ideologies that are in conflict with the basic tenets of the Justice Department’s mission.”

Is this the type of Attorney General America deserves? Sign Petition:

3.  Senate Democrats: Block Sen. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

Donald Trump just announced his first cabinet appointment and it confirms the racism at the heart of his toxic candidacy. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions’ record on race was so problematic that in 1986, the Republican-controlled Senate rejected his nomination to be a federal judge

The attorney general is the country’s chief law enforcement officer, responsible for the enforcement of our civil rights laws. But Sen. Sessions’ history of anti-Black racism isn’t the only disqualifying part of his record. He is also a climate change denier who has a history of anti-immigrant extremism.2,3 His legislative record is appalling as well: Sen. Sessions has voted against immigration reform, voting rights and LGBTQ equality and has worked to ban abortion, defund Planned Parenthood and advocated for big banks and big corporations.⁴

There’s no way Sen. Sessions should be attorney general, but the only way to block his nomination is if Senate Democrats push back with every tool at their disposal. Can you help make sure they act?
Tell Senate Democrats: Block and resist Jeff Sessions' confirmation as Attorney General
For those of us outside Washington, it could not be more clear that Sen. Sessions is completely unqualified to be attorney general, and Senate Democrats must do everything they can to block his nomination. But, Sen. Sessions is a sitting senator, and some Democrats already seem to be giving him a collegial benefit of the doubt. Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s statement on the nomination noted Sen. Sessions is his workout partner.5 And already, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has indicated he supports Sen. Sessions. Other senators have failed to call out Sessions’ appalling record and simply said he deserves a fair hearing and vote.

While some Senate Democrats are apparently considering a path of deference and accommodation to maintain the traditions of the Senate, it’s important to remember that Senate Republicans have spent almost a year blocking President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. They’ve been willing to trash the decorum and customs of the Senate, ignore their constitutional duties and undermine the legitimacy of our country’s first Black president for naked partisan political gain.

There is no reason to give a hate-group candidate who did not win the popular vote a free pass to appoint bigots and hatemongers to leading positions in government.

Tell Senate Democrats: Block and resist Jeff Sessions' confirmation as attorney general:

If Senate Democrats find their backbones and stand their ground, they could block the appointment of someone to be the enforcer of our country’s laws who actively fights against our Constitution’s promise of equality for all. If they fail to do so, they are showing Trump he can get away with anything and giving a pass to someone who:
  • Said the KKK was “Okay, until [he] found out they smoked pot.”
  • Has suggested freedom of religion might not apply to immigrants, and it might be time to consider Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims.
  • Is so anti-immigrant, he has even challenged birthright citizenship.
  • Has called the NAACP and the ACLU “un-American.”
  • Once called a white civil rights attorney a “disgrace to his race,” and repeatedly called a Black lawyer “boy."
  • Characterized the Voting Rights Act as "a piece of intrusive legislation” and has refused to support legislation to restore it after it was gutted by the Supreme Court.
  • Stood up for the banking industry when the banks were melting down in 2008.
  • Pressured Attorney General Janet Reno not to pursue anti-trust charges against Microsoft in the 1990s.
  • And, defended Donald Trump’s recorded bragging about grabbing women by their genitals, by saying “I don't characterize that as sexual assault."⁶¸⁷¸⁸
Trump’s campaign rhetoric was a threat to people of color, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ people and women across the country. His first staffing decisions – white supremacist media executive Steve Bannon, anti-Muslim retired General Mike Flynn and Sen. Jeff Sessions – show that he wants to build an administration that will use the power of the federal government to deliver on those threats.

We must stand with the communities threatened by Trump and resist and oppose him with everything we’ve got.

That starts with standing united against Sen. Sessions:

Thanks for everything you do.


Donald Trump is nominating a known racist extremist anti woman senator to be Attorney General--the position in charge of enforcing civil rights laws and protecting all American citizens.

That’s right, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is up to be Attorney General. The same Sessions who called a Black prosecutor “boy”, said the NAACP is “un-American,” and the Ku Klux Klan was “OK until I found out they smoked pot.” Who said a month ago responded to Trump’s bragging about grabbing women by their genitals by saying, “I don’t characterize that as sexual assault.” Who voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013 and against bipartisan legislation to curb sexual assault in the military in 2014 and 2015. The Sessions who was literally so racist that his nomination to be a federal judge was rejected in 1986.⁵

If we ever needed Senate Democrats to have a backbone, it’s now. Trump is already in hot water for selecting a white nationalist as chief strategist, and the outrage is deafening. Can you sign the petition?:


1.  Impeach Governor Mike Pence
Governor Mike Pence
Governor Pence was responsible for a massive amount of discrimination against the LGBT community, causing small businesses to shut out people strictly based on uneducated hatred. He is now about to sign a bill that will ultimately ban and punish abortion in an extremely cynical way: forcing women to view the heartbeat, and even forcing women to have a funeral for the fetus. Even causing issues for doctors who perform them.

This is a direct attack on women’s rights. Don’t stand for it.

Sign petition:

2.  LGBT discrimination, Removal Of Mike Pence
Governor Mike Pence
The Mike Pence (Donald Trump) Assault On LGBTQ Equality Is Already Underway. He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO... there is a long list of who that person could be. Mike Pence is perhaps one of the most anti-LGBTQ evangelical Christian political crusaders to serve in Congress and as governor of a state. Long before he signed the draconian anti-LGBTQ “religious liberty” law in Indiana last year, he supported “conversion therapy” as a member of Congress, and later, as a columnist and radio host, he gave a speech in which he said that marriage equality would lead to “societal collapse,” and called homosexuality “a choice.” Stopping gays from marrying wasn’t biased... which would allow for discrimination against LGBT people by government employees and others.

Sign petition:

3.  Oppose Right Wing Extremist Mike Pence as Trump’s Pick for VP
Governor Mike Pence
Media outlets around the country are reporting that Donald Trump has selected the extremist, right-wing governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, to be the Republican vice presidential candidate.

Selecting Pence is another indicator that the party of Lincon has been hijacked by the Party of Trump.
  • As governor, Pence signed the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” in 2015, which made it legal for Indiana businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals and families.

  • Earlier this year, he signed an anti-choice bill, which is one of the most extreme ever passed in the United States. It placed unparalleled restrictions on the rights of women to access health care. The legislation has recently been blocked by a federal judge.

  • During the 2012 election cycle, Pence compared the Supreme Court decision upholding the Obamacare exchange system to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He was forced to retract those comments.

  • Pence is highly unpopular in Indiana. He has been looking at a tough race for reelection for governor. By jumping onto the ticket with Trump, he is hoping to give his extreme, reactionary, conservative views a national audience.

We need to oppose and reject the Trumpence ticket!

Sign petition:


1.  Block Myron Ebell as head of EPA
Senator Jeff Sessions
The EPA needs a champion now more than ever, someone who believes in the science of climate change. Climate-change denier Myron Ebell is the worst possible choice for this cabinet position, and I hope the Senate will block his confirmation.

Sign your name if you agree:

2.  Keep fossil fuel industry funded climate change deniers like Myron Ebell away from the EPA
Senator Jeff Sessions
Dear President-elect Trump, you said you would be a president for all Americans, well according to a March 2016 Gallup poll 64% of Americans are worried either a “great deal” or a “fair amount” about climate change, moreover 65% of Americans believe that human activity, e.g. burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and raising livestock, is to blame for increases in the Earth’s temperature over the last century. This shows that a strong majority of Americans, nearly two-thirds, acknowledge the scientific consensus on climate change which can be paraphrased as: The planet is heating up and it’s very likely caused by human activity.

A study on climate change consensus which was based on six independent studies and published in April 2016 concluded that the 97% figure often cited as the scientific consensus on climate change is consistent with their findings. Therefore we, the signers of this petition, strongly and sincerely urge you to remove climate change skeptic Myron Ebell from his job of heading your administration’s Environmental Protection Agency transition team and replace him with someone who holds views on climate change that are more inline with those of over 9 out of 10 climate scientists and nearly 2 out of 3 of the Americans you have been entrusted to represent.

If you support this petition please sign it:

Now please share it, and send it to President-elect Trump and his administration directly:

Send this petition to the Trump Administration.

Tweet it directly to President-elect Trump.

Share it with the President-elect on Facebook.

Share it with the President-elect on Instagram.

References and additional information:

Nasa: Global Climate Change

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High

Meet Myron Ebell, the Climate Contrarian Leading Trump’s EPA Transition

Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming


3.  Mr. Trump: Myron Ebell cannot lead the EPA Transition

Stop President Trump from appointing climate change denier Myron Ebell to oversee the Administration’s control of the EPA. Mr. Trump,

You have said many things that have enraged, afflicted, and depressed countless Americans. If you truly want to “Make America Great Again”, you must ensure that a Trump Presidency does not signal the end of a United States fighting against Climate Change. You must make sure that research on renewable energy, action on avoiding pollution, and steps on environmentally regulating industry are taken. Much as people debate over this, you are the strongest voice for change in America. And, to you, a power and ability has been granted that draws trust. Please do not break it, by employing Myron Ebell as your transitioning government’s EPA overseer. Respectfully speaking, he is a man shown to be backwards and foolishly adverse to what the vast majority of scientists agree on; human created Climate Change is real, and deserves to be stopped.

By appointing Mr. Ebell, your country will become more polluted; your lakes and surrounding oceans will grow disturbed and sickly, your air will become hazy and dark, and your lush green forests will no longer remain so. Populations of wild animals will also start to diminish. You also might cause some job growth and some industries to develop, but remember your country will be dependent on supplies of oil and coal that will not last forever. Eventually, American citizens will be unable to complete or work on the level of countries embracing renewable technology.

Excuse this apocalyptic description, for it isn’t a pretty sight, but make sure you know that it can and will happen. Imagine the life of your own children, and the following Trump generations, and ask yourself, “Am I doing what’s best for them?”

Climate Change is real.

Appoint someone educated enough to know this, to lead the EPA.


[ [ Add Your Name] ]


1.  Reject Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
Rex Tillerson
For numerous reasons — including his ties to the Putin regime in Russia, his company’s decades-long cover-up of the truth about global warming, and his utter lack of government experience — Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson should not be Secretary of State.

Add your name below to tell the U.S. Senate to reject Donald Trump’s nomination of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State:

2.  Secretary ExxonMobil? Reject Rex Tillerson!
Rex Tillerson
Donald Trump is meeting with Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobil, and is considering him for secretary of state.

ExxonMobil is a major player in the fracking industry, and #ExxonKnew climate change was a problem for decades, but covered up the evidence. Tillerson infamously sued to keep a fracking project out of his backyard, but seems happy to profit off fracking in other people's backyards. ExxonMobil's CEO has no place in the State Department.

Sign this petition to send a message to your senators, and
urge them to oppose the potential nomination of Rex Tillerson:

Rex Tillerson
Target: U.S. Senate

Just after the CIA confirmed that Russia pulled strings to get Trump elected, Trump officially nominated Rex Tillerson, C.E.O. of Exxon with strong ties to Russia, as Secretary of State.

If Tillerson becomes secretary of state, both national security and environmental welfare will be in staggering danger. The U.S. placed sanctions on Russia after their aggression on Ukraine. Exxon lost at least $1 Billion in business from that, and with Tillerson at the helm, those sanctions could easily be lifted. Not to mention he has business dealings in over 50 countries. The conflict of interest here is obvious and disgusting.

Right now, Syria is massacring its own people, with Russia’s help. And Trump wants to put Putin’s BFF in charge of our ability to do anything about it and other human rights violations like it. His history on gay rights is not great, with Exxon being very slow to protect gay employees.

Putting someone with a personal and deep-seated interest in the oil industry in charge of foreign diplomacy will absolutely result in further polluting of our planet, hastening climate change, and heightening conflict over oil.

This appointment would be bad for the U.S. and the world in every way. Please sign to tell your senator you do not want this man to be the next Secretary of State.

Let the Senate hear your voice: sign the petition to tell them you don’t want an oil exec to be in charge of foreign affairs:


1.  Americans Against Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist
Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon is an anti-semitic white supremacist. These are not qualities the American people should quietly accept in a person who has been named the Chief Strategist of the next President of the United States.

By signing this petition, you are stating your opposition to this decision and pledging to continue to speak out against people and policies that promote and perpetuate racism, anti-semitism, and other forms of bigotry.

Add your name:

2.  Call on JFNA to Condemn the Appointment of White Nationalist, Stephen K. Bannon
Stephen K. Bannon
As United States Senator from New Jersey Cory Booker said:

“[E]levating Steve Bannon — a man who leads a website that promotes truly radical views about race and religion, whose appointment was celebrated by neo-Nazis and denounced by the Anti-Defamation League, and who has been condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike — to one of the highest positions in the White House, installs a man with fringe and dangerous ideologies, just steps from the Oval Office.”

History has taught us that staying silent is both unacceptable and dangerous. As American Jews, we have a duty to speak up on behalf of each other and our fellow minorities. We call on JFNA to join prominent politicians, organizations and citizens from across the nation in denouncing Donald Trump’s appointment of Stephen K. Bannon as White House chief strategist and senior counselor. With hate crimes on the rise, we must address this as an issue of our collective safety. Having Stephen Bannon as a key strategist in the White House sends a clear message to hate groups that their belief system is no longer fringe, but now accepted. As an organization that is dedicated to securing the Jewish future by empowering community members to take charge of their Jewish lives and provide leadership to their community, we take you at your word and assume you will keep your pledge to empower and listen to those of us that speak up.

Show us that we can count on you not to stand by idly. As a prominent agency in the American Jewish community, and our country, we ask you to oppose publicly the presence of Stephen K. Bannon in the Trump administration. We must hear your voice leading the call for Bannon’s immediate dismissal. Please do not let down our children, our families or the American Jewish community.

Action is the only remedy to indifference; the most insidious danger of all.”
 ― Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, 1986.

Please take action:

3.  DEMAND the FBI investigate Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon >>
Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s Campaign CEO, was recently reported to the FBI
for violating campaign finance laws.

By signing this petition, you are stating your opposition to this decision and pledging to continue to speak out against people and policies that promote and perpetuate racism, anti-semitism, and other forms of bigotry.

Instead of “draining the swamp,” Trump is embracing corporate lobbyists and big money interests. HE MUST BE STOPPED. The Campaign Legal Center just published evidence that Trump’s campaign CEO was ILLEGALLY paid by a Pro-Trump SuperPAC.[1]

But instead of firing Bannon, Trump recently hired him as his Chief White House Strategist.

It’s clear that that Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” was a complete lie. We need to hold him accountable.

Sign your name to DEMAND the FBI investigate Steve Bannon:

4.  Fight the appointment of hate-monger Steve Bannon to the President-Elect’s administration.
Steve Bannon
President-Elect Trump has appointed his former campaign head and Breitbart News Chairman Steve Bannon to his cabinet as “Chief Strategist.”

It has been established that Mr. Bannon has ties to extremist groups such as the KKK and American Nazi groups through his association with Breitbart, and it is alleged that he is himself a bigot and anti-Semite. He has also been arrested for both voter fraud and domestic violence in the past.

I cannot stress enough how indignant I am at the idea of a man of Mr. Bannon’s ilk not only holding a position of importance in the next Administration’s Cabinet, but actually having an office in the West Wing of the White House, from where he can help shape policy that will undoubtedly be laced with his brand of hatred.

I respectfully ask that you exert all of your influence by telling the Trump Administration and both houses of Congress, to see to it that this person not be allowed to hold such a post.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


[ Add Your Name ]

5.  Fire Steve Bannon from the Trump Administration
Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon is an avowed white nationalist and anti-Semite. If President-elect Trump truly wants to be a president for all, Steve Bannon should have no place in the halls of power, let alone footsteps from the President. White nationalism and anti-Semitism has no place in the United States government or in society.

We the People must tell our President-elect that we will not sit here and be silent, while a man as dangerous and twisted as Steve Bannon has any place in government.

Signed the petition and speak out:

6.  Keep Stephen Bannon out of the White House
Stephen Bannon
To All Whom This Concerns,

Stephen Bannon has just been appointed by President-Elect Donald Trump, as the chief strategist and political counselor in his upcoming administration. We, the undersigned, demand that Stephen Bannon be excluded from playing any role in the White House.

Bannon was CEO of Donald Trump’s election campaign, responsible for some of its most divisive rhetoric, and is the former executive chairman of the “alt-right” news website Breitbart, which has aggressively fostered a brand of racist xenophobia and conspiracy theory that until recently was to be found only in the darkest corners of the internet. Bannon's presence in the White House will only make this kind of hate and paranoia more mainstream. If Donald Trump is serious about bringing Americans together again after a bitter election campaign, he can send a signal by denying Bannon a place in the direct governance of our country.

This is not simply a matter of national reconciliation, but also a matter of national security. Around the world, but especially in Europe and Russia, neo-Fascist movements have hailed the election of Donald Trump, seeing in it the rise of what one well-known Russian fascist activist, Egor Kholmogorov, has called a new “Conintern,” or Conservative International, bent on destroying the liberal democratic paradigm that has prevailed in the West since the Second World War. These are people who have nothing but contempt for the values Americans have held dear and fought for since our Republic was founded over two centuries ago: representative democracy, universal human rights, and above all the idea of a common humanity that transcends any nation, race or gender.

Breitbart actively supports these extremist groups, and as far as the “Conintern” is concerned, Stephen Bannon will in turn be “their” man in the White House. This should trouble Republicans as much as it troubles Democrats; it should trouble any American who thinks the values of liberal democracy are worth fighting for, even as we argue about whether we have been able to live up to them.

Keep Stephen Bannon out of the White House.


[ Add Your Name ]

7.  Prevent Stephen Bannon from advising Donald Trump
Stephen Bannon
Mr. Trump,

We the undersigned prevail upon you to NOT employ or look to Stephen Bannon for advise, suggestions, or strategies. Mr. Bannon should be 100% excluded from any government jobs or any service to the Presidency due to his white supremacist views.


[ Add Your Name ]

8.  Protest against Steve Bannon   #GetAbetterChiefStrategist

If you believe that Stephen Bannon is a racist, a nationalist and a discriminator machine, please sign this petition. Steve Bannon has supported many racist organizations and also runs his own news column — the Breitbart news. Many Americans are concerned, with comments like: “Every Muslim in the West is a ticking time bomb”. Comments like these concern my family, even though my family is not Muslim. What has just happened? It’s just like America is going right back in time, to racism and discrimination. So please sign this petition to stop Steve Bannon and Donald Trump. If we can reach over 1,000 signatures, we will be able to achieve our goal!

Sign the petition here:

9.  Steve Bannon — You’re Fired!
Steve Bannon
Dear Mr. Trump,

I am an American and a patriot. I care deeply about this country and am deeply dismayed by your appointment of Steve Bannon. I choose to believe that you are not a racist and that this country can be successful under your leadership, but Steve Bannon — a man accused of being a white supremacist, a racist, and a misogynist — is a very divisive choice, as one of your closest advisers. I am disappointed by this decision and how it may be perceived by women, Jews, Muslims, and African Americans. I am hopeful that you can bring this country together and bind the wounds of division by telling Steve Bannon, “YOU’RE FIRED!”

Thanks for your consideration, and God bless America.


[ Add Your Name ]

10.  Steve Bannon’s racist, anti-semitic, misogynistic views don't belong in the White House
Steve Bannon
President-elect Donald Trump has just appointed his campaign CEO and chairman of Breitbart News, Stephen Bannon, as chief White House strategist and senior counselor. Trump’s team said the position will be equal to the Chief of Staff -- making Steve Bannon one of the most powerful and influential people in the world.

The appointment has drawn outrage from all sides of the political spectrum. Under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart News has become the online destination for white nationalism, anti semitism, xenophobia, sexism, the spreading of lies and conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric.

Steve Bannon himself has been accused of horrible behavior. He referred to feminists as “a bunch of dykes” and reportedly didn’t want his children to go to school with “a bunch of jews.” Former employee Ben Shapiro left Breitbart News because he said Bannon was a “vindictive, nasty figure.”

Bannon’s abuse has even turned physical. In 1996, he was arrested for domestic violence. His ex-wife feared for their children, and reported Bannon threatened her and the kids if she appeared in court against him. She believed him and didn’t want to put her children in more danger. Bannon’s ex wife didn’t appear and the charges were dropped.

President-elect Trump can do better. Our country has a deep well of talent to help him lead our country. There is no reason to select a figure like Steve Bannon. Bannon's vitriol and divisiveness have no place in the White House. Please sign if you agree that this is NOT the person who should have the ear of the president.

For questions, concerns, or media/press inquiries,
please contact Sharika at,
or send a Twitter Tweet to @LadyThriller69
[Sidenote: 69 stands for the cancer zodiac sign.]

And please sign our petition, thank you:

Read more about Steve Bannon here:

Stephen Bannon
Bannon was the executive chairman of one of the country’s most prominent far-right news sources, Breitbart News. Bannon has used his platform for constant and dangerous attacks against people of color, women, Muslims, LGBTQ people, immigrants, Jewish people, and people with disabilities.

We the People must tell our President-elect that we will not sit here and be silent, while a man as dangerous and twisted as Steve Bannon has any place in government.

As one of Trump’s first moves, the appointment affirms the President-Elect will follow through on the most dangerous promises that brought him to office, including a pledge to ban Muslims from entering the country and plans to forcefully deport immigrants by the millions.

Too few politicians have acknowledged the harm Bannon would inflict on this country. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and others have feigned ignorance when asked what they know about Stephen Bannon, a claim that stretches credulity. But whatever elected officials do or don’t know, we are certain of this: A man like Stephen Bannon cannot be allowed to drive US policy.

By fighting this appointment we are delivering a vital message to Trump: We will meet you in the streets and in the halls of Congress. We will meet you with our protests and campaigns. We will keep fighting for equality, dignity, and liberation. You have us to answer to.

Bannon’s appointment is not normal, and we will refuse to treat it as “business as usual”.

We demand Trump rescind this appointment before the damage is done; we demand congressional lawmakers take up their responsibility to protect all Americans from discrimination, bias and harm; and we call on all others of conscience to refuse to cooperate with the appointment of a white nationalist to one of the highest offices in the country.

Add your signature:

12.  White Christians Opposed to Stephen Bannon
Stephen Bannon
President-Elect Trump,

We have read repeatedly in the last week that “white evangelicals” helped carry you to an electoral college win. As white Christians - many of us with evangelical histories or affiliations - we are sending this petition to make clear your appointment of Stephen Bannon as a Chief Advisor in no way reflects our faith.

Our identity as Christians is grounded in our belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, available to all who seek it, and our belief in our responsibility to carry with us the Good News of the Gospel, grounded in God’s eternal and abiding love for humanity. Our commitments to follow Jesus Christ call us to “love the lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind”, and to “love our neighbors as ourselves” (Luke 10:27). Those commitments also call us to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). Stephen Bannon’s public career of fostering divisiveness, encouraging hatred of others, smirking at violence toward minorities and members of the LGBTQ community, and denigrating women has been a repudiation of these values.

We will continue to pray that you reverse your decision to appoint Bannon. Meanwhile, our duty as people of faith, and followers of Jesus, requires that we oppose his appointment in every way we can imagine.

We are including Paul Ryan as a recipient of this petition because he is currently the most powerful official in your party. We urge him to oppose Bannon's appointment as well.


[ Add Your Name ]


1.  Block Government Policy of Climate Denial
(1) Halt steps aimed at possible purge of fact-based employees at Energy Department. (2) Block nomination of climate change denier Scott Pruitt to head EPA. (3) Block expected nomination of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State.
The Donald Trump transition team has requested the names of all Department of Energy employees and contractors who have attended climate change policy conferences. Many have reported a climate of intimidation, and there is fear of a witch hunt.

Click here to nip this in the bud.

Trump has kept up his policy of nominating people opposed to the very mission of the agency they would run by naming oil profiteer and climate denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

Click here to build resistance to this outrage.

And Trump is expected to nominate the CEO of ExxonMobil Corporation Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State, despite the fact that his company is under investigation by multiple state attorneys general for misleading its investors and the U.S. public about climate change for the past 40 years. While Tillerson admits the reality of climate chaos, he has not been made to answer for ExxonMobil's role in climate destruction and in lying about it.

Click here to demand that he be held accountable and blocked from public office.

After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

Sign here:

2.  Block Trump's cabinet until Judge Merrick Garland is confirmed.
United States Supreme Court Building
The Supreme Court of the United States has been held hostage by the Senate. Block all Donald J Trump’s cabinet positions unit Judge Merrick Garland is confirmed and takes the seat President Obama appointed him to take. This may seem like a long shot but in fact it will require 60 votes to get Trump’s Cabinet Confirmed; the problem is the Republicans only hold 52 seats so they need 8 of the Democratic Senators on broad. You may be thinking, oh no not same ole same ole but this is what the GOP has been doing to our government anytime it don't go their way. Its time to stop them with their on trick.

Note: after educating myself a bit more I found that the Senate can actually push through most appointments with a simple 52-48. (Not the SCOTUS though) You may think, well this petition is mute? Well, not so fast. The new Senate stands at the moment, with the GOP holding 51 seats. There is a run off Dec 10 in the state of Louisiana. Please take this time to donate money, time, or whatever you can to Foster Campbell (Democrat).

Also please sign the petition linked to below; it sends a message that we demand to keep Donald Trump in check whenever we can, with our 48 (maybe 49) seats in the Senate.

Add your name:

3.  Don’t Let Oil & Gas Ru(i)n the Country
Scott Pruitt and Rex Tillerson
President-elect Trump's nomination of ExxonMobil's CEO for Secretary of State is another sign that he is putting the interests of the oil and gas industry ahead of the interests of the American people. It comes on the heels of Donald Trump's nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to run the Environmental protection Agency—despite the fact that he has long been an extreme opponent of the basic American clean air and clean water safeguards that agency is tasked with upholding.

Charges for potential violation of these laws can only be brought by United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch. As such, the Strategic Institute for Intersectional Policy is asking for people to call her at the Department of Justice at: 202-353-1555 or TTY/ASCII/TDD: 800-877-8339, and leave a message asking her to press charges against the members of the Trump Campaign for voter purging.

Together, Rex Tillerson and Scott Pruitt—along with the President-elect, who as recently as December 11 refused to accept the established science of climate change—will have an unprecedented chance to undo all of the progress we have made.

But you can help stop it. Before they confirm these nominations, make sure your Senators hear from you: With just one click below, you can tell them to stand against both the Pruitt and Tillerson nominations.:


The voter purges planned and implemented by the alt-right network very likely altered the outcome of the election in favor of the alt-right candidate. The purging of minority voters, though, led this network to potentially be in violation USC 241, USC 242 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Charges for potential violation of these laws can only be brought by United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch. As such, the Strategic Institute for Intersectional Policy is asking for people to call her at the Department of Justice at: 202-353-1555 or TTY/ASCII/TDD: 800-877-8339, and leave a message asking her to press charges against the members of the Trump Campaign for voter purging.

Please read and sign, if you agree:

[ Add your name! ]

5.  Fight. Back. Now! There isn't a moment to waste.

You’ve seen the news. It’s terrifying:

  • An extreme-right, white nationalist is Trump’s chief strategist.

  • A billionaire banker who made a fortune foreclosing on working families’ homes is Trump’s pick for Treasury Secretary.

  • The leading critic of Obamacare is Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Trump has vowed to fill the Supreme Court with justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • And anti-choice politicians are lining up to defund Planned Parenthood, privatize Medicare, shred Medicaid, and advance a federal 20-week abortion ban.

And Trump’s not even in office yet!

Now, more than ever, we need to stand up, speak out and fight back for what’s right. Sign the National Partnership for Women & Families’ “Fight. Back. Now!” pledge and send a clear message the Trump administration.

We are watching, and we will not allow anyone
to erase our progress and erode our rights:

6.  No confirmations for Trump nominees until Obama's nominee confirmed to Supreme Court.

We call upon the Senate to filibuster any attempt to confirm a Presidential nominee over the objections of this petition. No new business until we complete old business. There can be no discussion of political reconciliation or compromise on Presidential appointments without confirming President Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, to the US Supreme Court. We, the petitioners, believe we cannot begin to heal the divisions in our country and that we will be further divided without President Trump and the US Senate first endorsing President Obama's appointment. We believe refusal to endorse the principle of this matter is a tacit endorsement of continued mindless and purely partisan obstruction which will increase the number of US citizens considering OUR electoral system and representative government irrelevant aspects of our society.

Please sign your name to this petition:


On January 20, Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office and swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. During his presidential campaign, his statements and actions called into question his commitment to constitutional principles, including the freedom of expression. Of specific concern were his threats and insults directed toward journalists, arbitrary limitations on media access and comments in support of potential legal reforms that would weaken First Amendment protections. Donald Trump's campaign tone and rhetoric also fostered the rise of threats and actions by many of his supporters directed against people of color, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, the disabled, LGBTQ people, and women. The United States is recognized globally for having the broadest and most powerful protections for free speech in the world. But those protections are now under attack. In the face of this very real threat to our most basic rights, we must stand united to defend the First Amendment, the very foundation of our democratic system. Please join us and become a co-signer of the pledge.

As American residents, writers, artists, and readers, we will stand united to preserve, protect and defend our right to a free press, to express our opinions, and to engage in dissent, and we will work tirelessly to protect these rights for all. Become a co-signer of the pledge to defend the First Amendment, the very foundation of our democratic system:

8.  Sign the petition to U.S. Senators: Block all Trump appointees
Not My President
President-elect Donald Trump has appointed white supremacist Stephen Bannon to a senior advisory position in the White House. David Duke calls the appointment “excellent.”

And it’s a harbinger of things to come. Expect more awful appointees.

Many Senate Democrats (from Dianne Feinstein to Harry Reid) have spoken out against Bannon. But the appointment itself does not require Senate approval.

However, Trump will be making hundreds of executive branch and judicial appointments that do require Senate approval. And any Senator can put a hold on these nominations, for any reason.

It is time for the Senate to take a firm stand against white supremacy, and block any all Trump appointees.

Our Message to U.S. Senators:

Donald Trump's selection of Stephen Bannon—a dangerous white supremacist—is proof that he has no interest in governing in an inclusive way. We request that you oppose all Trump appointees that require Senate approval.

Sign the petition to all U.S. Senators asking them to Block all Trump appointees:

9.  Stand Up, Speak Out Against Trump Appointments
No Mandate for Trump!
Donald Trump promised his voters over and over again that he’d “drain the swamp,”
but instead he’s filling it with alligators...

  • Rep. Tom Price, nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Price has made dismantling the Affordable Care Act a landmark goal of his political career, with the stated goal of kicking nearly 20 million Americans off healthcare coverage and forcing people with pre-existing conditions into an expensive and unnecessary fight for their lives.

  • Betsy DeVos, nominated for Education Secretary. DeVos is a leading proponent of schools vouchers, and her assuming that role would put her in a position to chip away at one of the most fundamental cornerstones of civil society: public education.

  • Senator Jeff Sessions, nominated for U.S. Attorney General. Sessions has a record of racist rhetoric and was previously rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee over his embrace of policies that would undermine basic civil rights, a deeply disturbing background for a man who will be the chief legal defender of the rights of all Americans as the U.S. Attorney General.

  • Andy Puzder, nominated for Labor Secretary. Puzder’s consistent eagerness to prioritize corporate profits over the local economy and welfare of workers - the very people he would be tasked with protecting as Labor Secretary - will have very real and serious negative consequences for America’s workers, families, and our economy.

  • Steve Bannon, selected to be incoming chief White House strategist. As a propagandist for white supremacy, he’ll be bringing sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, racism and transphobia with him to the Oval Office.

Ask your Senator to stand up and speak out against these nominees
by quickly filling out the form on this petition page, right now:

10.  TAKE ACTION: No Place For Hate In Our Government
Donald Trump
Steve Bannon. Myron Ebell. Frank Gaffney. Jeff Sessions. These people -- and the hate and ignorance that they represent -- have no business anywhere near the White House or our federal government.

Stephen Bannon, CEO of the extreme right-wing conservative outlet Breitbart News, is known for his record of sickening and dangerous attacks against women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, Jews, and Muslims -- in addition to fueling climate denialism. President-elect Donald Trump’s reckless decision to appoint him as his Chief Strategist in the White House is a threat to the safety and prosperity of all Americans.

President-elect Trump has also named noted climate denier and fossil fuel hack Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute as the head of his EPA transition team. That means Ebell, who has called climate change “nothing to worry about” and has zero scientific training, will be in charge of choosing the head of the EPA and local EPA regional offices. Ebell actually wrote an article in Forbes called, “Love Global Warming,” where he said warmer temperatures would make colder regions more inhabitable. And for the rest? “...the higher temperatures are killing people who are likely to die soon anyway.”

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was rejected by a Republican Senate in 1986 for a federal judgeship because of allegations he had used racial slurs, called civil rights groups like the NAACP “un-American,” and stated on the record that as of the 1980s “the fundamental legal barriers to minorities had been knocked down, and that in many areas blacks dominate the political area, and that when the civil rights organizations or the ACLU participate in asking for things beyond what they are justified in asking, they do more harm than good.” He would be in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, allowing him to defang the agency to allow for more local voter suppression. He has voted and spoken out against immigration, equal pay, and confirmation of numerous nominees who he claims have “the ACLU gene.” He would also be given the power to investigate, arrest, and harass members of Black Lives Matter and other groups.

Hate group leader Frank Gaffney is a noted Islamophobe, unrepentant bigot, and conspiracy theorist who has reportedly been advising the Trump administration’s transition team. Gaffney is the head of the Center for Security Policy, which has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. With news that the Trump team may already be planning to create a “Muslim registry” of Americans, the prospect of someone like Gaffney in a position of influence is an urgent threat to our democracy and basic human decency.

We must speak out immediately. If President-elect Trump wants to uphold his word to bring the country together and be a president for all Americans, then he should publicly rebuke these advisers and declare that he will not listen to anyone that propagates hate or science-denial. Anything less is unacceptable.

Send your representatives in Congress a message now: there's absolutely no place for hate and dangerous science denial in our government.

Sign at the link below, if you agree:

[ Add Your Name ]

11.  TAKE THE PLEDGE: Fight back against any and all anti-environmental
      attacks by the Trump administration and polluting leadership!
      Donald Trump is loading his cabinet with climate deniers
      and polluter-friendly politicians!
      Stand against them today »

Donald Trump is loading his cabinet with climate deniers and polluter-friendly politicians! Stand against them today.
The election might be over, but the fight for the environment and the future of our planet is gearing up to be one of the most grueling, intense battles yet — and last week Trump nominated climate change deniers and Big Polluter allies to head the EPA and the Department of the Interior.

People who care about the environment, who are worried about the dangers of climate change, and who want to save our only planet before it’s too late must rally together and fight back harder than ever.

As American residents, writers, artists, and readers, we will stand united to preserve, protect and defend our right to a free press, to express our opinions, and to engage in dissent, and we will work tirelessly to protect these rights for all. Become a co-signer of the pledge to defend the First Amendment, the very foundation of our democratic system:

[ Add Your Name ]

Not My President

Donald Trump’s first appointments to cabinet-level roles in his administration are horrifying. Trump’s nominees and rumored picks have promoted white nationalism, attacked climate science, and used their power as Wall Street insiders and corporate lobbyists to fleece working families.

As representatives of all Americans, you must stand up against hatred and greed. Fight to block and resist every Trump nominee who embraces racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, climate denial, and Wall Street greed.

Please sign the petition:

Please be sure to visit the other posts on this blog and sign ALL of the petitions in these pages, too...

                   Direct URL for linking to this post...
#2.  Petitions to PROTEST Donald Trump's Dangerous and Disastrous Cabinet Picks!:

#1.  Petitions to Dump Trump! PROTEST the Presidency of Popular-Vote Loser, Donald J. Trump:

#3.  Petitions to Take Trump to Task for the DAMAGE He's Done, is Doing, and Plans to Do!:


It’s now on America’s institutions – and Republicans – to check Donald Trump.
Now that Donald Trump has shocked the world, Vox editor-in-chief Ezra Klein explains what comes next...

⚠️  All the Terrifying Things That Donald Trump Did Last Week  ⚠️

Provoked heightened diplomatic tensions with two nuclear-armed states. Handed the Environmental Protection Agency to a climate denialist. Attacked a local labor leader for calling attention to his lies. Handed the Labor Department to a serial violator of labor law. Requested security clearance for a conspiracy theorist who claims that the Clintons operate a Satanic child-sex ring out of a popular D.C. pizzeria. Baselessly accused a private company of ripping off the government, shortly after the CEO of that company criticized his trade policies. Questioned the legitimacy of the election he just won. Appointed Ben Carson secretary of Housing and Urban Development — despite the fact that Carson has no relevant experience and recently declared himself unqualified for any cabinet position. Allowed his D.C. hotel to actively court the patronage of foreign diplomats. Invited the manager of his blind trust onto a phone call with the president of Argentina. Met with Indian business partners who have publicly declared their intention to capitalize on his status as president-elect. Tried to coerce Britain into appointing a right-wing extremist as its ambassador to the United States. Berated the media at a closed-door meeting for publishing unflattering photos of his double chin. Criticized the cast of a Broadway musical for asking the vice-president to work on behalf of all Americans. Settled a fraud case for $25 million. Admitted that his charity was guilty of self-dealing. Derided protestors as paid professionals whose acts of free speech are fundamentally “unfair.” Invited the manager of his “blind trust” to a meeting with the prime minister of Japan. Assembled a team of racists to lead his White House. Took credit for the fact that Ford will not be relocating a plant to Mexico (which they never had any intention of relocating to Mexico) Declared America’s leading newspaper a “failing” institution. Abandoned his press pool. Floated the idea of hiring his son-in-law to a White House position, in possible defiance of laws against nepotism and norms against conflicts of interest. Took calls from foreign leaders on unsecured phone lines, without consulting the State Department.
Referred to his White House transition as though it were the next season of “The Apprentice”.

⚠️  College instructor tells students that Trump's election was an 'act of terrorism'!  ⚠️

I am no longer accepting things I cannot change. I am changing things I cannot accept. #NotMyPresident